You run a company, an institution or an NGO
You have ambitious projects
You want to be more persuasive
You are facing a crisis or complex issues
We offer you high-level strategic advice and support.
Our services.

- Executive advisory
- Transformation
- Strategic and operational planning
- Strategic intelligence
- Influence

- Strategic and operational communications plan
- Media training
- Press relations
- Internal communications
- Recruitment and team coaching

- Crisis preparation and management
- Crisis communications
- Risk analysis and assessment
- Litigation
- Security

- Social media: audit and strategy
- LinkedIn for executives
- Content development
- Influence marketing

Gosselin & de Walque has more than 125 years of high-level expertise in strategy, change management, corporate, institutional, and political communications, crisis management and communications, influence, and digital strategy.
Beyond this experience, what characterizes us is our values.
Intelligence: We are constantly searching for intelligence, i.e. the ability to discern and understand (from Latin “inter” : between ; “lego” : to choose), but also to produce high value information.
Candor: Our advice will always be frank and without complacency, driven above all by the desire to build lasting and trusting relationships with all our partners.
Commitment: We are committed to our clients and to society. We are very close to and invest in each of our clients. We also give 5% of our profits to NGOs every year.